Saint Meinrad Archabbey is hosting a Day of Service on Saturday, March 9! This year, there are 16 projects in various cities across the country.
The Day of Service is an opportunity to come together in service to your community in a way that is reflective of how the monks of Saint Meinrad live each day, through prayer and work.
In the town of St. Meinrad, the project will work with the seminary-run CACD (Cooperative Action for Community Development) Project Warm to help provide firewood to those in the community who need it. Saturday’s project will consist of chopping, hauling, and stacking wood. The schedule is:
7:30 a.m.: Mass with the monks in the Archabbey Church
8:15 a.m.: Breakfast
9:00 a.m. – Noon: Work in the woodlot
For more information or to register, visit the Saint Meinrad Day of Service project page for more information, or contact site coordinator, seminarian
Andre Nadeau.