As we continue in the Gospel of John, Chapter 6, the Jews question Jesus’ origin, where he came from and what he can do. Jesus tells them that no one can come to him unless drawn by the Father and those who believe will have eternal life. Jesus identifies himself as “the living bread that came down from heaven” and “whoever eats this bread will live forever.” Often in the news and on social media platforms, we hear about “superfoods.” In the reading from the First Book of Kings, Chapter 19, we hear about “supernatural food.” Elijah was discouraged, yet into his journey, he prayed for death and was visited by an angel who supplied him with this supernatural food twice. Strengthened by the food he received from the angel and the word of God, Elijah got up and continued his journey. Elijah was strengthened by the food and walked 40 days and 40 nights to the mountain of God, Horeb. St. Paul writes in his Letter to the Ephesians that we are to imitate God’s goodness; being kind, passionate and forgiving. As Elijah made his way into the desert, hearing the word of God, he was reminded of God’s goodness even in what appeared to him as famine and despair. As we prepare to receive Jesus, the bread of eternal life, may we be imitators of God living in love as Christ taught us, in handing himself over as a sacrificial offering to God. I pray that your prayer and work this week is one of sacrificial joy, ever mindful of God’s goodness and the goodness that surrounds us.
Congratulations to the parishioners, friends and neighbors of St. Boniface Parish on a successful annual summer picnic. We were blessed with a beautiful day and the Lord provided the resources to accomplish the goal of living out our faith and celebrating our heritage. Thanks to all for your creativity, flexibility and willingness to meet the needs of the signs of the time. It was great to see families out and about. It was also noticeable in the hospitality areas that many of our senior members and members with immunocompromised or pre-existing health concerns stayed close to home, yet enjoyed the festive food through the generosity of others through carry-out and delivery.
In this weekend’s bulletin, you will find a listing of parish wide ministries and service opportunities, including the need for catechists and catechist aides for the fall semester of faith formation. With the local school corporations releasing their final plans for the back-to-school guidelines for COVID-19 protocols for the fall semester, news and information will be made available shortly on how pre-school through high school will continue with parish-based faith formation.
+ Be Healthy, + Be Smart, + Be Holy. Let us continue to pray for one another, especially families preparing to embark on a new school year and for all listed on the parish prayer wall and in our books of prayer and petition.
PAX - Father Anthony, OSB