Meet the RCIA candidates who will be joining the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil on Saturday, March 30, 2024.Elizabeth Schaefer, St. Boniface Parish
Hometown: Rensselaer, Indiana
Vocation/Profession: Nurse, RN, BSN
Something new you’ve learned about the Catholic faith (or, what you love about the Catholic Church):
That every week no matter where you are the Mass is the same. The whole faith is experiencing the same gospel. It is united.
(Pictured here with husand Jerod Schaefer)
Morgan Hessig, St. Meinrad Parish
Hometown: Saint Meinrad
Vocation/Profession: Commercial Insurance Auditor for Auto-Owners Insurance
Something new you’ve learned about the Catholic faith (or, what you love about the Catholic faith):As I have gained deeper knowledge of the Catholic faith, I have learned and gained deep interest in the Holy Eucharist, and its significance, as this is the center of our faith.
Favorite saint or holy hero, or someone who has been a spiritual mentor: Someone who has been a spiritual mentor to me is my fiancé, Matthew Schlachter, as he has been a guiding hand in my journey of deepening my Catholic faith.
(Pictured here with Matthew Schlachter)
Also joining the Church at a later date is Melissa Becknell, St. Boniface Parish.
Online March 14, 2024 | Bulletin March 24, 2024