To ensure that parishioners’ donations are assigned to the correct account, Tina Boehm, Finance and Resource Coordinator, offers this advice: Do not include gifts for more than one purpose in the same check. Each parish has these accounts:
Mass Intentions: Only gifts for Mass intentions are put in this account.
Charitable Gaming: This account is for funds raised at the annual picnics from raffle tickets, quilt tickets, half pot, bingo and theme baskets.
Cemetery: Funds for the purchase of cemetery plots, cemetery endowments, general care for cemetery, and All Souls Day are assigned to this account.
General: Most other funds, including Sunday and Holy Day Mass collections, go to this account.
Using the stewardship envelopes ensures that gifts are recorded to the correct individuals. Do not remove any part of the envelope. The parish name, member name, envelope number, etc., are needed for record keeping. Students in the F3 program recently received stewardship envelopes, and they should add their names to their envelopes.
Online giving is another way to ensure that funds are assigned to the correct account. The secure portal for online giving can be found at the top left of the website homepage. Or scan the QR code in the bulletin to sign up.
Online February 1, 2024 | Bulletin February 11, 2024