Lenten Prayer Books and CRS Rice Bowls will be available to all F3 students Kindergarten-Grade 9 during class on February 8, 2023. Catechists will introduce and distribute these items to each student.
Booklets used to accompany one on their Lenten journey have been a long-time tradition of the Church. A vade mecum (pronounced vahday maykum). Latin for “travel with me” and is used to describe a book that was a constant companion throughout the 40 Days of Lent. Students in Kindergarten -Grade 4 will receive The Little Purple Book for Children:Walking with God and grades 5-9 will receive The Little Black Book for Lent. Reflections begin February 19, 2023, and end Easter Sunday, April 9, 2023. Reflections will be based on the Passion narrative of Matthew.
Each student will also receive a CRS Rice Bowl. A simple cardboard box—a CRS Rice Bowl—inspires prayers, fasting and almsgiving within Catholic families across the U.S. and delivers hope to millions around the world. The Catholic Relief Services' Rice Bowl Lenten Program serves as one of the primary means of support for CRS. The program invites Catholics to live in solidarity with our poorest and most vulnerable brothers and sisters. When you give to CRS Rice Bowl, 75% of your donations support CRS’ humanitarian relief programs in nearly 100 countries worldwide. The remaining 25% of your donations go to hunger and poverty alleviation efforts here within the Archdioceses of Indianapolis as part of the Matthew 25: CRS Rice Bowl Grant. If you wish to donate electronically or make a recurring donation scan the QR code on the donation box.
Throughout the Wednesdays of Lent select F3 classes will join with the parish family for the Stations of the Cross in St. Boniface Church. During Lent we are also reestablishing our student prayer partner program.