The Feast of St. Blaise, bishop and martyr, occurs on February 3 each year. Local custom is to transfer the feast to the Sunday closest to or on February 3.
Because it occurs this year on Saturday, blessing of the throats will be offered after all weekend Masses on February 3 and 4, following the Memorare. Those wishing to participate in this sacramental celebration can get in line as if receiving Communion.
The infirm and individuals needing assistance seated in the first two rows will receive this sacrament first. Commissioned ministers for the sacrament will stand at the Communion stations closest to the front row along the pew bulkhead.
Blessing of the throats will be offered at all weekday Masses that week as well, particularly for the immunocompromised who may be at those Masses. Also, those living in long-term care centers will be offered this blessing.
Fr. Paul will bless the candles used during the coming year at the normal Candlemas Mass on Friday, February 2, including those used for the blessing of throats.
Online January 25, 2024 | Bulletin February 4, 2024