Join our brothers and sisters throughout the Archdiocese of Indianapolis on Sunday, February 18, 2024, by supporting the Black and Indian Mission Annual Appeal. You can make a difference! Please offer your prayerful, vocal and financial support.
This collection has, for the last 140 years, changed the landscape of evangelization and education efforts for Native Americans, Alaskan Americans and African Americans throughout the United States. Our financial support is the mechanism that affects the Church’s evangelization efforts. We all agree that never have the needs for the Native Americans, Alaskan Americans and African Americans communities been so great. History tells us that lasting change to a community can all come through faith, hope and charity.
Historically, evangelization efforts by churches and schools among African Americans, Native Americans, Eskimo and Aleut communities, are funded by the collection’s grant awards, which are instrumental in building their Christian communities and sharing the joy of knowing Christ. Your support has helped educate African American and Native American seminarians for priestly service to our Catholic communities.
Pope Francis has challenged us to “Be Shepherds…, in the midst of your people like Jesus the Good Shepherd.”
Thank you for your continued support of this collection. More information about the Black and Indian Missions can be found at
An envelope for the Black and Indian Missions is included in the monthly envelope packet. Please make sure your check is made payable to the parish church, clearly marking in the memo Black and Indian Missions (4021.400). If you use online giving, scan the QR code for the Quick Links to make a one-time or recurring gifts using debit cards, credit cards, or eChecks (ACH).
Online February 14, 2024 | Bulletin February 18, 2024