Join Archbishop Thompson and our brother and sisters throughout the Archdiocese of Indianapolis on Sunday, March 14, 2021, supporting Catholic Relief Services.
This collection serves Jesus in disguise in some of the most marginalized communities in our world. For migrant farmworkers in California's San Joaquin Valley, workdays during the grape harvest begin at 6:00 a.m. and last until 7:00 p.m. Some workers have lived in the valley for years, renting nearby trailer housing, and others live in towns nearby. Still others are recent migrants from Mexico and Central America. Catechists and lay ministers serve all these workers by visiting migrant camps near the vineyards where they work. They bring religious instruction and share prayer, theological reflection, and Catholic social justice teaching about the inherent dignity and rights of migrant workers like the people they serve.
Through funds from the collection, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' program for the pastoral care of migrants, refugees, and travelers collaborates with local dioceses to visit and attend to the needs of underserved migrant farm workers and others who live on the margins.
St. Boniface Parish and St. Meinrad Parish in Spencer County are pleased to offer you an easy online giving option. This service is safe and secure and an efficient way for us to handle and process your gift.
Consider making a simple, secure gift online with your OSV Hub Account while using a credit card, savings account, or checking account.
St. Boniface Parish
St. Meinrad Parish
For your convenience in your Sunday Stewardship Envelope Series, an envelope is designated for this annual appeal. For more information CLICK Catholic Relief Services.