Preshool - Grade 5 Each child is permitted 2 absences per semester. After 2 absences the child and parents will be asked to meet with the pastor and Faith Formation Coordinator to arrange for missed time and lessons. Class sessions, Masses and the Sacrament of Reconciliation scheduled on Wednesday evenings are part of the semester program, and attendance is required.
Grade 6-Grade12 (including Confirmation) Middle and high school students are permitted 3 absences per year from scheduled activities reflected in the schedule. After 3 absences the candidate will be asked to meet with the pastor and Faith Formation Coordinator to arrange for missed time and lessons. Class sessions, Masses and the Sacrament of Reconciliation scheduled on Wednesday evenings are part of the program, and attendance is required.
Preschool-Grade 5 (Drop-off & Pick-up) Parents and guardians are asked to enter from Highway 545 through the alley directly in front of the parish center, not the Memorial Forest Road (Jefferson Street). Follow the traffic pattern set by the cones around to the East door (back side) of the Parish Center for drop-off. Do not drop off your children in the parking lot to walk into the Parish Center through the (west) main door. When you arrive at the doors, put your vehicle in PARK, or APPLY THE PARKING BRAKE before unloading. Children must cross around the FRONT of your vehicle before entering the Parish Center. Drivers are asked not to use electronic communication devices while in the traffic lane.
Grade 6 - Grade 12 (Drop-off & Pick-up) At Louie’s Tavern, turn east on Plum Street (towards the cemetery), turn right on Vine Street (along cemetery). Turn right, merging with traffic, onto the paved road to the north entrance of the church. At pick-up time, an identified traffic volunteer will coordinate the merging of Parish Center and Cemetery Alley traffic into 1 pick-up lane. The 1st vehicle is to stop at the west end of the handicap parking to allow for 4 vehicles to load at a time. An identified traffic volunteer will direct the vehicle where to stop.
Both Locations (Parish Center and Church) (Drop-off and Pick-up) Follow the directions for Preschool-Grade 5 first, then proceed west (left) on Jefferson Street (Memorial Forest Road), take an immediate right on Vine Street (behind the church) traveling up the hill, make a left onto the alley toward the church, merging with traffic coming from the north along Vine Street (the cemetery road).
Children of Catechists and Traffic & Safety Volunteers At the dismissal bell, the Children of Catechists and Traffic & Safety Volunteers are to remain in assigned classrooms by floor until the second bell rings for dismissal. Children of Catechists who must cross the Memorial Forest Road to meet a parent teaching in the Parish Center or Church at dismissal will have an assigned catechist to assist them in safe and secure crossing.
Fire In case of a fire, all students and catechists should follow the evacuation route posted in each room or area closest to them at the time of the alarm. While exiting the building, all students should remain calm and must stay with their catechist. The catechist aid is to lead the class safely to out of the building to the assigned safe location away from the building. The catechist is the last one to exit their classroom, securing an attendance roster, turning off the lights and closing the door. Once outside, catechist should take attendance to assure all their students are accounted before assisting in other capacities if needed.
In case of a fire before or after class sessions, all students and catechists inside the building at the time of the alarm should locate the nearest emergency exit and report immediately to the shelter house (Preschool-Grade 5), the maintenance building (Grade 6-HS), or the annex (SPRED).
Those students and catechists located outside the building at the time of the alarm should also make their way safely to the assigned safe location, remaining a safe distance from the building as they travel. All students should locate and report to their catechist. Catechists should take attendance and assure all their students are accounted for before assisting in other capacities.
Tornado – Parish Center – In case of a tornado, students and catechists should exit the rooms if inside the building or enter the building if outside and go immediately to the lower level hallway. Students in the lower level classrooms are to remain in their classrooms. Once there, students should sit side-by-side with their legs crossed and facing the wall away from all windows and doors. Catechists should verify that all their students are present before preparing themselves in the safety position. All should remain in the hallway until the “all clear” has been given for safe movement about the building.
Tornado – Church – In case of a tornado, students and catechists should remain calm and exit the church, walking immediately to the parish center. Enter through the front door. Go immediately to the lower level hallway. Once there, students should sit side-by-side with their legs crossed and facing the wall away from all windows and doors. Catechists should verify that all their students are present before preparing themselves in the safety position. All should remain in the hallway until the “all clear” has been given for safe movement about the building.
Earthquake In case of an earthquake, all students and catechist inside the building at the time should locate and shelter-in-place under any suitable desk or table closest to them at the time. All students and catechists inside the church at the time should locate and shelter-in-place face down hands covering the crown of the head under a church pew. All should remain in these locations until the “all clear” has been given for safe movement about the building.
The manner in which a person dresses often reflects that person’s self-perception. High levels of self-esteem are important to the formation and education process; therefore students are to dress in a clean and neat manner and certain standards of reasonable dress are expected.
Hats, bandanas and sunglasses are not allowed to be worn in buildings or at programs, unless medically prescribed by a physician’s note.
All shorts, skirts, skorts and dresses must reach the knee. Clothing worn under these items, such as leggings, must reach the knee. The top layer of clothing must be at least mid-thigh length and not reveal skin above the knee. Clothing that states, implies or displays any reference to drugs, vulgar language, alcohol, beer, whiskey, tobacco products, nudity or anything else that may be considered disruptive to the formation and education process is not allowed.
Jeans and pants may not have holes or slits in them.
All clothing covering the upper body must have sleeves and not expose any cleavage, bare midriff (front or back), underarm areas or undergarments.
Students not dressed properly in the opinion of parish staff and catechists will be asked to comply with the dress code and/or leave the program for the day. A member of the Faith Formation Program will contact the parents or guardians to communicate dress code expectations before releasing the student from the session.
In the spirit of building Christian community and honoring the presence of our brothers and sisters in Christ, students shall not USE on parish grounds during Faith Formation Programs (or while in parish buildings) any electronic gaming or paging device, cellular phone or other communication device in a situation not related to the Faith Formation program.
Students may have phones on their person, in the off position, not in use between 6:20-8:00 PM or during other program times in case of an emergency and with catechist’s permission. However, cell phones are encouraged to be kept at home or left in vehicles. Posting information or photographs of minors without parental consent may be unethical or constitute a criminal offense. Students who choose to ignore this policy will have their phone confiscated by a catechist. Confiscated phones will be given to a parent or guardian upon pick-up. Additional consequences may apply upon a second offence.
Inclement Weather Weather-related cancellations will be announced on WQKZ 98.5 FM and WITZ 104.7 FM. When the North Spencer School Corporation cancels classes or events there will be no religious education for the evening. When Perry Central Community Schools cancel classes or events, Perry Central Students will be excused.
Perry Central Community Schools When Academic Breaks are not scheduled simultaneous to the North Spencer School Corporation, Perry Central Students will be excused.
Guidelines Revised August 2015