St. Meinrad Parish will celebrate the feast day of its patron, St. Meinrad, on Sunday, January 19, 2025. Please join us for the annual celebration:
Mass, 8:30 a.m. at St. Meinrad Catholic Church
Click for directions.
Complimentary breakfast following Mass, St. Meinrad Community Center.
Click for directions to the Community Center.
All are welcome. Breakfast is free and no reservations are needed.
Activities for all ages and generations.
Free drawing for prizes.
The parish was founded on January 21, 1861, the feast of the martyr St. Meinrad, a monk known for his extraordinary charity and hospitality in what is now known as Einsiedeln, Switzerland. January 21, 1861, was also the 1,000th anniversary of the death of the martyr Meinrad. Eight days after the parish founding, the new German Catholic settlement was established as the town of St. Meinrad.
The feast day celebration will include other activities and door prizes sponsored by the parish Heritage and Marketing Commission, chair Nancy Graman. For more information, call 812-357-5533.