5th Sunday in Ordinary Time / Sunday of the Word of God (Cycle C)
Reminder: Students with excused absences are asked to complete tonight's student lesson and submit session wrap-up questions located at the bottom of this page. All questions must be submitted by Saturday, 11:00 a.m. This gives the student three days to submit make-up work.
Where Have You Seen God Since the Last Time We Got Together?
A Review of Last Session's Student Session Wrap-up Questions
What did Gramps leave for Carl in his will?
Gramps left Carl his telescope.
Why did Simeon say he could die in peace after he held the baby Jesus?
Simeon said he could die in peace since God kept his promise of the Messiah, who would be a light to all nations.
Why is the Presentation of the Lord also known as Candlemas Day?
The Presentation of the Lord is also known as Candlemas Day because we light candles to show how the light of Jesus is present in our world.
When did the current Jubilee Year begin?
The current Jubilee Year began on Christmas Eve 2024.
What is the World Day of the Sick?
Established by Saint John Paul II, the World Day of the Sick is a day to pray and remember those who suffer from illnesses and those who care for them.
Our Plans for Tonight!
Gathering Prayer
Bless these hands that have done so much work, have shown so much love, and hold the promise for so much to come.
Preparing to Receive the Sacrament of Confirmation
Gospel Weeklies Correlations to Sacramental Preparation Program
Theme:Incarnational Faith
The Catholic Church is incarnational.
We follow Jesus’ example and understand that we learn best when we are taught in a concrete, physical way as well as a spiritual one.
Consider the sacraments; they are outward signs (physical representations) of an inward (unseen) grace.
In Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus performs the physical miracle of helping Simon Peter catch an abundance of fish, then he tells him that he will be a fisher of men!
Think of the abundance of people the Apostles reached. Catholicism has spread nearly everywhere in the world.
Question for Discussion: Why do you think Jesus used physical examples to help teach spiritual truths? Can you think of another time he did this?
Sunday Readings
Old Testament: Isaiah 6:1–2a, 3–8
Psalm 138
New Testament: 1 Corinthians 15:1–11
Gospel: Luke 5:1-11
Scripture Background
Luke’s account of Jesus’ calling his disciples focuses on Simon Peter. Jesus suggests that he lower his nets in deep waters even though he has fished all night without catching a thing. Simon Peter does what Jesus asks and catches so many fish that two boats can barely haul them to shore without sinking. This great catch makes Simon Peter aware that he is a sinful human being and gives Jesus the opportunity to call him to his new vocation as “a fisher of people.“
The boat symbolizes the Church or Christian community in which missionaries called and gathered the new community of Jesus’ followers in the A.D. 80s. Jesus teaches in the boat, and Peter gathers fish into the boat. Jesus’ call to disciples to gather others into the Christian community continues in our everyday lives.
Connecting Scripture and Tradition
From the Catechism of the Catholic Church
“What Christ entrusted to the apostles, they in turn handed on by their preaching and writing, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, to all generations, until Christ returns in glory” (CCC, 96).
“[The Church ] is “missionary of her very nature” (CCC, 868).
Taking a Look at Tonight's Student Session Wrap-up Questions
What is Operation: Soaring Eagles?
What work do Christian disciples continue today?
Who were the first three people Jesus called to follow him?
What is a vocation?
Who does Partners in Health help?
Why do you think Jesus used physical examples to help teach spiritual truths? Can you think of another time he did this? (Confirmation Correlation Activity)
Remind the young people to share their Gospel Weeklies with their families, do the With My Family and Friends and Friends activities and prayer, and read the Eucharist Quote together.
7:18 p.m.
Closing Prayer
Clean up area; put missalettes and kneelers in place.
Line up at the north wall for dismissal at 7:20 p.m.
F3 Student Session Wrap-Up Questions
Ms. Jess Fischer
Evangelization and Discipleship Coordinator, F3 (family faith formation) Programs and Activities