In John’s Gospel, Jesus begins his ministry at a wedding feast. Jesus shows us he has come to transform our lives by turning the sadness and embarrassment of running out of wine at a wedding into the joy and gladness of finding the best wine still left. Jesus’ action gathers people together in joy.
Connecting Scripture and Tradition
From the Catechism of the Catholic Church
“Jesus accompanies his words with many ‘mighty works and wonders and signs,’ which manifest that the kingdom is present in him and attest that he was the promised Messiah” ( CCC, 547 ).
“The sign of water turned into wine at Cana already announces the Hour of Jesus’ glorification. It makes manifest the fulfillment of the wedding feast in the Father’s kingdom, where the faithful will drink the new wine that has become the Blood of Christ” (CCC, 1335).
Let's Take A Look at Tonight's Student Session Wrap-up Questions
Why didn't James want to go to his brother's wedding?
What purpose did changing the water into wine have?
Define community.
Why do we say Jesus is the new and best wine?
Why does John call Jesus' turning the water into wine a sign?
How can you serve God today?(Confirmation Correlation Activity)
Introduction to Sunday's Gospel with Correlation Activity *
Preparing to Receive the Sacrament of Confirmation
Servants of Jesus Sunday’s Gospel reminds us that we too should “do whatever he [Jesus] tells you to” (John 2:5). We often have a negative view of the word servant, but in this Gospel reading, we recognize that anyone who does the will of God is acting in the role of God’s servant. If we continue this thought, we realize that even Jesus Christ (God in the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity) allowed himself to be a servant of God the Father. He was obedient to the Father even including his Death on the Cross. Question for Discussion: How can you serve God today?
* Correlation Activity Required Curriculum for Students Preparing to Receive the Sacrament of Confirmation
Correlation Activity configures the approved and necessary curriculum for students preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis
Beginning in Grade 7, students participate in the curriculum that prepares them to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Living Out Your Faith
At the wedding feast at Cana, Jesus models how interior faith should be expressed through public action. Invite the young people to consider how they might live their faith publicly this week. Examples might include clearing the table without being asked or inviting someone with few friends to have lunch with them.
Dare To Share:Remind the young people to share their Gospel Weeklies with their families, do the With My Family and Friends and Friends activities and prayer, and read the Eucharist Quote together.
November 24:Annual Global Celebration of Youth and Young Adults – Every Catholic faith community is encouraged to celebrate and reflect on youth and young adults annually on Christ the King Sunday.
A message from Pope Francis to young people:
Cry out with your life that Christ lives, that Christ reigns, that Christ is the Lord!
November 24–30 National Bible Week (USA) November 28 Thanksgiving Day (USA) November 30 Saint Andrew – Older brother of Peter, Saint Andrew is patron of fishermen, singers, and Scotland. He spread the Good News throughout modern Greece and Turkey
Catholic Identity Challenge for the Week As baptized Catholics, we are all invited into Christian leadership. Discuss the characteristics of Christian leadership. Make a list of ways the students can be Christian leaders in their community. Ask each young person to make a conscious effort to be a Christian leader this week.
Time to begin and submit Session Wrap-up Questions
7:18 p.m.
Closing Prayer
Clean up area; put missalettes and kneelers in place.
Line up at the north wall for dismissal at 7:20 p.m.
F3 Student Session Wrap-Up Questions
Ms. Jess Fischer
Evangelization and Discipleship Coordinator, F3 (family faith formation) Programs and Activities