Jesus tells the Pharisees in Sunday's Gospel that from the beginning God made men and women not to be alone but to join together and form families. Human beings are social and are created for making bonds of love and friendship with one another; they become inseparably one in marriage. This principle underlies the lifelong, faithful commitment the Church celebrates in the Sacrament of Matrimony.
TRG's remain in pews for Shared Experiences presentation and discuss and compete Talk Questions on page 3
After completing Talk Questions, TRG's gather in assigned meeting places throughout the church for the Gospel and Doctrine (Catechism of the Catholic Church) presentation and discussion questions
Review the connecting Gospel and Doctrine section and complete talk questions
Review and discuss the Church Assemblies section introducing this week's Catholic Faith Word and complete the Our Catholic Faith questions
The TRG's gather again in their assigned pews for Living the Gospel presentation and individually complete the questions and be prepared to share with the entire group (one TRG responsible for presenting their answer per week