High school youth from St. Boniface Parish, St. Meinrad Parish and St. Francis of Assissi Parish are invited to kick off a new year of Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) activities on Sunday, August 21, 2022, at 5:30 p.m., at St. Francis of Assissi Parish, Mary Help of Christians campus in Mariah Hill.
Youth group activities for the kickoff session include an introduction to the YDisciple Program. For the first time, parish youth in grades 9-12 from the three Spencer County parishes will gather as one youth group.
YDisciple sessions will meet on Sundays from 5:30 to 7 p.m., as listed on the F3 schedule available after August 18 at www.sbcatholic.church/f3 or www.smcatholic.church/f3. CYO registration for social, educational and recreational activities is also available after August 18. Please note that the schedule is subject to change due to the availability of location and volunteers, holy day and holiday schedules, and inclement weather.
Session locations will rotate monthly between St. Francis of Assii Parish’s Mary Help of Christians Campus and St. Boniface Parish.
St. Francis of Assissi Parish: August, October, December, February* (*St. Francis of Assissi Parish’s St. Nicholas Campus)
St. Boniface Parish: September, November, January, March, April* (*CYO recreational activities)
Plans for this new youth ministry model came from the results of the Connected in the Spirit (CIS) process that started in 2016. CIS helped parishes discern where God is leading the Church in central and southern Indiana and discuss how the Archdiocese of Indianapolis must be open to newfound structures to carry out its mission.
After evaluating the parish-based surveys submitted to the Archdiocesan Planning Committee, as part of the comprehensive report prepared by the parish-based CIS Core Team, plans began to nurture a youth ministry program in collaboration with St. Francis of Assissi Parish.
For more information, contact Jessica Fischer, evangelization and faith formation coordinator, at jessicaf@myparishfamily.church.