Due to COVID-19 protocol, parish-based faith formation programs are not meeting in person and have not reengaged in the work of Project Linus and Project Lucy. As we approach the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays, Father Anthony asks parish families and parish sponsored organizations to focus their efforts and support this local drive while continuing to pray for our neighbors. "As Christians, we hear Jesus say in Matthew 25:40, 'whatever you did for one of these least of mine, you did for me."'
Drop boxes are available at all church entrances through the Wednesday of Thanksgiving week to receive your gifts of hygiene and home cleaning products.
The NSCAC is a local not-for-profit agency, founded in 1990, incorporated in 1993 to broaden its reach and better serve Spencer County, allowing neighbors to help neighbors. NSCAC provides social services to residents in Spencer County. Services include food and clothing donations, healthcare, utility assistance and educational programs. To directly support the NSCAC Christmas Gift Basket Program, send your financial contribution: 5 N Washington St. Dale, IN 47523. Please note in the payment memo: Christmas Gift Basket Program.
Items Requested for the 2020 Christmas Gift Baskets: toilet paper (4-pack), paper towels (single roll), Kleenex (single box), hand soap (4-8 oz.), bath towels and washcloths, washcloths for kitchen use (towels and washcloths – new items please), toothbrushes (single soft or medium bristle), toothpaste (4-5 oz.), bath soap (bars only), deodorant (women and men), kitchen trash bags (33 oz.), disinfectant wipes, dish soap (16-20 oz.), shampoo and conditioner (12-16 oz), surface (spray) cleaners for kitchen and bathroom (20-30 oz.), tub and tile cleaner, toilet bowl cleaner, laundry detergent (30-40 oz.).