Saint Meinrad Archabbey Library Gallery, St. Meinrad, IN, is hosting an exhibit of still life paintings by Evansville, IN, artist and gallery owner Holly Storlie. The show runs from September 3 through October 15.
This exhibit features small paintings in oil executed in one sitting. Storlie paints from observation, recording and organizing her perceptions while the paint is wet. She explains, “My aim is not to accurately mirror the appearance of what is before me but rather to record an accumulation of moments, the changing dynamics of what I observe, the shifts of light and color.”
The paintings are brightly colored and built with expressive marks born from keen observation.
Storlie earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Ringling College of Art and Design and a Master of Fine Arts from the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Her award-winning paintings have been exhibited widely and are in private collections throughout the United States.
She has taught drawing and painting workshops, as well as family classes, at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. In June 2017, Storlie opened the Gamut Gallery, where she teaches painting and drawing and maintains her studio.