Parishioners, friends, and neighbors are invited to “stock the pantry” at Martin’s Cloak. Items may be delivered to both parishes from Saturday, November 23 - Wednesday, November 27.
When delivering items, please use the handicap entrance at each church and place items in the container marked Martin’s Cloak near the Marian Altar. Parish churches are open daily from dawn to dusk.
For your convenience, items may also be placed in the Martin’s Cloak van located at the southeast corner of the parish church before the Vigil Mass for Thanksgiving Day at 6:15 p.m. on Wednesday, November 27. The offertory collection for Thanksgiving Day will be presented to Martin’s Cloak in support of their mission and ministry.
Items requested:
large box of Cheerios
instant oatmeal
peanut butter
canned fruits & vegetables
macaroni & cheese
dish soap
toilet paper
laundry detergent
paper towels
canned meat
canned tuna
batteries (AA, C & D)
An envelope for Martin’s Cloak Food Pantry is included in the November monthly envelope packet. Please make sure your check is made payable to the parish church, clearly marking in the memo Martin’s Cloak (4037.400). If you use online giving, scan the QR code for the Quick Links to make a one-time or recurring gift using debit cards, credit cards, or eChecks (ACH).
For more information, contact Sue Kloeck, Service and Outreach Commission Chair.