St. Boniface and St. Meinrad parishes will host a free seminar, “Dying with Dignity: Catholic Rites and Your Responsibilities,” on Sunday, November 17, 2024, from 1 to 3 p.m. at St. Boniface Parish Center in Fulda. Click/tap heading for more information.
"The Criterion" is the official weekly publication of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. It goes out to more than 60,000 households in its coverage area of central and southern Indiana, making it Indiana's largest weekly newspaper.
The Little Blue Book for Advent and Christmas seasons will be available soon in both churches. The Little Blue Book guides you through the season by following the infancy narrative from the Gospel according to Matthew. Click/tap the heading for more information.
St. Boniface Parish and St. Meinrad Parish invite parishioners, friends, and neighbors to remember and honor their loved ones by purchasing a Christmas Poinsettia that will be used to decorate the church during the Christmas Season. The deadline is Monday, December 2. Click/tap the heading for more information.
Join our brothers and sisters throughout the Archdiocese of Indianapolis on the weekend of November 16 and 17, 2024, by supporting the Catholic Campaign for Human Development Annual Appeal. You can make a difference! Please offer your prayerful, vocal and financial support. Click/tap heading for more information.
The Mass schedule at St. Meinrad Catholic Church on Thanksgiving Eve (Wednesday, November 27, 2024) will be:
• Holy Hour (Eucharistic Adoration) 5 p.m. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament concludes with litany followed by Benediction at 6 p.m.
• Confession 5:15 p.m.
• Mass 6:15 p.m.
Click/tap the heading for more information.
The Pastoral Ministries and Activities Commission for St. Boniface Parish and St. Meinrad Parish hosts a monthly gathering on the third Thursday of the month at 12:30 p.m. at the St. Boniface Parish Center, Room 103, in Fulda. Click/tap heading for more information.
"The Criterion" is the official weekly publication of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. It goes out to more than 60,000 households in its coverage area of central and southern Indiana, making it Indiana's largest weekly newspaper.
Copies of the 2025 Catholic Extension calendar are now available at several locations. The calendar, called “Places of Pilgrimages for the Holy Year 2025,” is a 12-month journey to the holiest and most popular places of pilgrimage for Catholics throughout the world. Click/tap the heading for more information.
Catholic Charities Tell City needs volunteers to assist with hanging up coats and preparing a room for the Coat Drive that begins on November 4. Between now and November 7, an hour or two of time would be appreciated. Click/tap the heading for more information.
Rev. Augustine L. Kandanatuthura-Mathew from the Diocese of Gallup, NM, will be speaking at Masses on the weekend of November 9-10, 2024, and providing information on ways to help further the mission works in his diocese. Click/tap heading to view a brochure about the Diocese of Gallup and its mission.
St. Meinrad Knights of Columbus Council #5599 will sponsor an all-you-can-eat breakfast on Sunday, November 10, 2024, from 7 to 11 a.m. Breakfast will be $12 per person, $6 for those 5-12, and children under 5 eat free. The meal will be held at the K of C. For information, email or call Adam Fischer.
Parishioners, friends, and neighbors are invited to “stock the pantry” at Martin’s Cloak, a ministry of Catholic Charities Tell City. Items may be delivered to both parishes from Saturday, November 23 - Wednesday, November 27, 2024. Click/tap heading for items that are needed.