Greetings from the parish families of St. Boniface and St. Meinrad,.
If you received a link to this page from a parish staff member or the pastor and plan to meet in person later, the Quick Links below are a good place to begin the process. If possible, complete Steps 1 and 2 before the planning meeting.
I am keeping you and your family in prayer at this difficult time.If you have searched for this page or followed a link suggested by a parish staff member, please know of our prayers for you and your family at this time.
In reviewing the information on this page, it is hoped you will find answers to some of your questions. If you were given a link to this page, a parish staff member will soon be in contact to arrange an in-person meeting, either at your home or at the parish office. Choose a link at the top of this page to get started.
If a loved one is near death, such as in hospice or a long-term care center, please let us know. We can make available for you several resources to help with your planning: a missalette, a recent copy of a funeral program, and a copy of the book Through Death to Life. Let us know of any way we can be of assistance at this time. Contact Us here.
Funerals give us the opportunity to grieve and show others support during difficult times. Through our prayers and actions during these times we show our respect for life, which is always a gift from God, and comfort to those who mourn.” (USCCB)