Funerals give us the opportunity to grieve and show others support during difficult times. Through our prayers and actions during these times we show our respect for life, which is always a gift from God, and comfort to those who mourn.” (USCCB)
In-Church Funeral Service
Cemetery Rates for Traditional Plots and Cremains
$700 for a single grave (traditional burial)
$1,400 for a double grave (traditional burial)
TBD for a single plot for cremains
TBD for a double plot for cremains
Rates are effective through October 31, 2024. Fees are reviewed annually.
Please note: If the family wishes to choose an alternative location for a bereavement luncheon, the parish will pay for the cost of the rental of the facility or assist in the cost of catering, up to $300. The meal is to be catered with staff from the vendor, rather than parish volunteers.
To view parish guidelines for bereavement luncheons, click/tap Guidelines for Bereavement Luncheon.