If you have searched for this page or followed a link suggested by a parish staff member, please know of our prayers for you and your family at this time.
In reviewing the information on this page, it is hoped you will find answers to some of your questions. If you were given a link to this page, a parish staff member will soon be in contact to arrange an in-person meeting, either at your home or at the parish office.
If a loved one is near death, such as in hospice or a long-term care center, please let us know. We can make available for you several resources to help with your planning: a missalette, a recent copy of a funeral program, and a copy of the book Through Death to Life. Let us know of any way we can be of assistance at this time. Contact Us here.
Funerals give us the opportunity to grieve and show others support during difficult times. Through our prayers and actions during these times we show our respect for life, which is always a gift from God, and comfort to those who mourn.” (USCCB)
It is suggested that you ask if your loved one has made prepaid arrangements with a funeral home. If so, it is recommended that you inquire at the funeral home if any additional fees incurred by the funeral home, parish church or cemetery can be added to the plan.
If there is a prepaid arrangement, all additional fees must be submitted to the funeral home director within five business days of the funeral service.
Any overage the parish receives is invested in the parish cemetery endowment in memory of the deceased.
Here is some general information about funerals held at St. Boniface Parish and St. Meinrad Parish:
Funerals are scheduled to begin at 10 a.m. Central Time / 11 a.m. Eastern Time.
Pallbearers sit with their loved ones throughout the service, gathering again at the invitation of the funeral director at the conclusion of the service.
As the assembly sings the Gathering Hymn, the immediate family follows the processional cross, followed by the pallbearers accompanying the remains. The family follows in procession and gathers at the Paschal Candle near the sanctuary at the foot of the altar to place the pall as the Introductory Rites begin.
The Introductory Rites include the blessing of the mortal remains or cremains and clothing with the white garment (pall), sprinkling of Holy Water and placing of Christian symbols.
If you wish to have visitation hours for family, friends and neighbors on the day of the funeral, this can be scheduled in the church before the funeral Mass, upon request.
If visitation is held at the funeral home the day before the funeral, the public visitation at the church will be for one hour, beginning at 9 a.m.
When there is no visitation at the funeral home the day before the funeral Mass, the family may request up to a two-hour visitation immediately before the Mass of Christian Burial or Memorial Mass, which begins at 10 a.m.
A private prayer service for the family can be scheduled before the public visitation.
A bereavement luncheon may be arranged upon request, to be held immediately after the Rite of Commital and internment at the cemetery. Information about the luncheon can be found at the Quick Links below.
Please note: If the family wishes to choose an alternative location for a bereavement luncheon, the parish will pay for the cost of the rental of the facility or assist in the cost of catering, up to $300. The meal is to be catered with staff from the vendor, rather than parish volunteers.
For more information, contact Dione Jarboe at dionej@myparishfamily.church or 812-357-5533.